Latest News
Basis period reform - HMRC to provide online overlap relief form
HMRC has followed up its recent guidance regarding the abolition of basis periods with a brand-new online form for requesting overlap relief records. Who’s the form for and when will it be available?
HMRC appeals Lineker decision
Several months ago, Gary Lineker celebrated a win over HMRC regarding his tax affairs. However, that was unlikely to be the end of the story. What are the latest developments?
Government to simplify collection of high income child benefit charge
The Government is planning to collect the charge via PAYE instead of self-assessment. How will this work, and what does it mean for you?
HMRC launches PAYE code tool
HMRC has launched a new online tool to help you understand your PAYE code. What is it and how can you use it?
Taxpayer loses child benefit charge row in unusual circumstances
The First Tier Tribunal has dismissed an appeal involving a divorced taxpayer who left the family home but continued to be liable for the high-income child benefit charge, but with some unusual circumstances. What happened?
HMRC encourages UK Trader Scheme users to take action by 31 July 2023
Any business using the UK Trader Scheme should already be aware that it will cease to exist from 30 September 2023. A new scheme will replace it, but action needs to be taken to ensure a smooth transition. What do you need to know?